17450,00 € – 28100,00 €
This series allows to refill the cylinders used in the extinction systems working with inert gases such
Max pressure:310 bar. This series allows to refill the cylinders used in the extinction systems working with inert gases such as Argon, N2,Co2(IG55, IG100, IG511, IG01, IG541, INERGEN®). The unit is composed by a high pressure compression system which is able to refill cylinders. The unit can be used both for the complete filling of empty cylinders, the top filling or the charge completion of cylinders partially refilled. This unit is particularly useful for the operators that normally fill cylinders up to 200 bar and need to reach the pressure of 300 bar.
IG-FILL 130 (MGXE010 ): Capacity: 13 Nm3/h. Three phase: IG-FILL 130 (MGXE011 )
IG-FILL 260 (MGXE020): Capacity: 26 Nm3/h. Three phase: IG-FILL 260 (MGXE021)
Weight | 180 kg |
Dimensions | 100 × 75 × 115 cm |
Kapacitás | 13 vagy 26 nm3/óra |
A töltőgép alkalmas cseppfolyós széndioxid gázpalackból történő átfejtéshez töltéshez.
The station allows to empty the fire extinguishers, both the portable and the wheeled type, recovering the exhausted powder into Big-Bag containers for disposal.
N7/15 is equipped with a 3 piston electrically driven test pump able to perform hydraulic test up to 500 bar depending on the version
The “TOTEM-MTS” is specifically designed for extinguishing powder filling and emptying operations at fixed extinguishing systems.