340,00 € – 470,00 €
The ramp is specifically designed to achieve the testing of cylinders / reservoirs safely and efficiently
Maximum service pressure: 500 bar. The ramp is specifically designed to achieve the testing of cylinders / reservoirs safely and efficiently. Suitable to test 1 to 10 cylinders depending on the customer needs, it is conceived for wall mounting.
MZCZ025 first place: Test ramp for wall installation, from 1 to 10 test places, price for the first place with control gauge
MZCZ025 second place: Test ramp for wall installation, from 1 to 10 test places, price from the 2nd to the last places
Weight | N/A |
The “TOTEM-MTS” is specifically designed for extinguishing powder filling and emptying operations at fixed extinguishing systems.
EL60 ATEX- Electric valving can be used in environments where explosive gases are found .
ICS80-A automatic machine is designed for the internal cleaning of cylinders up to 85 cm of height and 27 cm of external diameter max 20 liter The cleaning cycle is fully automated and done in a closed cabinet
Maximum nyomás: 500 bar. A rámpát kifejezetten arra tervezték, hogy hatékonyan és biztonságosan vizsgálják gázpalackokat. Alkalmas 1-10 gázpalackok nyomáspróbájának elvégzésére