340,00 € – 470,00 €
The ramp is specifically designed to achieve the testing of cylinders / reservoirs safely and efficiently
Maximum service pressure: 500 bar. The ramp is specifically designed to achieve the testing of cylinders / reservoirs safely and efficiently. Suitable to test 1 to 10 cylinders depending on the customer needs, it is conceived for wall mounting.
MZCZ025 first place: Test ramp for wall installation, from 1 to 10 test places, price for the first place with control gauge
MZCZ025 second place: Test ramp for wall installation, from 1 to 10 test places, price from the 2nd to the last places
Weight | N/A |
Maximum nyomás: 500 bar. A rámpát kifejezetten arra tervezték, hogy hatékonyan és biztonságosan vizsgálják gázpalackokat. Alkalmas 1-10 gázpalackok nyomáspróbájának elvégzésére
99/D1 unit is mainly suitable for fire-fighting and industrial gas applications and for any other employment requiring to transfer liquid CO2 from standard cylinders to containers or to fire extinguishers with more than 1 kg capacity.
ICs 1850 machine fully automatic internal cleaning machine for gas cylinders up to 185 cm of height and 27 cm of external diameter
A töltőgép alkalmas cseppfolyós széndioxid gázpalackból történő átfejtéshez töltéshez.