Showing 133–144 of 169 results
A töltőgép alkalmas cseppfolyós széndioxid gázpalackból történő átfejtéshez töltéshez.
This unit allows to fill the cylinders used to inflate the Life-rafts with a mixture of Nitrogen + CO2. Nitrogen is filled directly by pressure difference from the standard cylinders available on the market.
Small gascylinder drying (-20 liter), with adapter possibility for wheeled (big) fire extinguisher
The equipment is designed for the hydraulic testing of high pressure cylinders and fire extinguishers.
Protection door for FIT50 pressure testing ramp
The unit is basically composed from a painted steel support structure and from a rotating structure.
Model has been specifically designed to carry out the hydraulic testing of low pressure gas cylinders
On request, it is possible to test also CO2 cartridges
Mainly extinguishing systems, gas cylinders of periodic pressure used for testing .
The ramp is specifically designed to achieve the testing of cylinders / reservoirs safely and efficiently
The WJ18/27 waterjacket for gas cylinders with maximum 1800 mm length, and 270 mm diameter. The unit has to attach to WINJ72 volumetric expansion testing machine