8950,00 € – 9950,00 €
This unit allows to fill the cylinders used to inflate the Life-rafts with a mixture of Nitrogen + CO2. Nitrogen is filled directly by pressure difference from the standard cylinders available on the market.
This unit allows to fill the cylinders used to inflate the Life-rafts with a mixture of Nitrogen + CO2. Nitrogen is filled directly by pressure difference from the standard cylinders available on the market. CO2 is filled by a high pressure transfer pump even from standard cylinders available on the market.The special design of this system allows filling the cylinders quickly and accurately, mainly thanks to the automatic pump stop which stops the system once the preset required weight has been reached.
Weight | 120 kg |
3 liter (2 kg CO2)/ 200 bar working pressure / ISO9809-1 EU standard
Steel seamless high pressure gas cylinder from Rama Cylinders. For minimum order qty and for volumen discounts please contact us
Porral oltók nitrogénnel történő rátöltéséhez. Nyomáscsökkentővel, flexibilis csővel de gázpalack nélkül
Mainly extinguishing systems, gas cylinders of periodic pressure used for testing .
3 liter (2 kg CO2) / 200 bar üzemi nyomás/ ISO9809-1 Európai szabvány szerint
Acél magasnyomású gázpalack amelyet a Rama Cylinders gyártott.
Minimális rendelési mennyiségért és mennyiségi kedvezményért keressen bennünket