Registration and subscription - PWENT

Registration and subscription

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last Updated on 1 year by Lajos SZABÓ

You could register for two service

  1. Newsletter subscription (2 weekly news through email)
  2. Registration on the webpage – to see the prices 

Newsletter subscription

At the bottom of the page (not visible you have to scroll down) on the right side you have to enter your name and email address. Clcik on the “Subscribe” bottom.  IMPORTANT, you have to be on english language (flag upper part on the right side) to receive newsletters in english languages.

Newsletter subscription

Newsletter subscription


Registration for price

You have to click on the “Account” at the top right side.

Account create

Account create

Then in the right column you have to enter your email address and password. If the password is strong enough please click on the “Registration” button.


Guide for Creation of Account at PWENT

Guide for Creation of Account at PWENT

Teh system will sent an email out to your mailbox. You could see it here:

Verify email

Verify email

If you don’t find please check your spam folder as well. 

IMPORTANT – after click on the “Click here to Verify” link your registration will be completed. Now you can sign in to the webpage and see the prices.