340,00 € – 470,00 €
The ramp is specifically designed to achieve the testing of cylinders / reservoirs safely and efficiently
Maximum service pressure: 500 bar. The ramp is specifically designed to achieve the testing of cylinders / reservoirs safely and efficiently. Suitable to test 1 to 10 cylinders depending on the customer needs, it is conceived for wall mounting.
MZCZ025 first place: Test ramp for wall installation, from 1 to 10 test places, price for the first place with control gauge
MZCZ025 second place: Test ramp for wall installation, from 1 to 10 test places, price from the 2nd to the last places
Weight | N/A |
A töltőgép alkalmas cseppfolyós széndioxid gázpalackból történő átfejtéshez töltéshez.
N7/15, 3 dugattyús elektromos meghajtású hidraulikus pumpa maximálisan 500 bar víznyomáspróba vizsgálathoz. Max áramlási sebesség: 7 liter-3 liter/1 perc. A pumpát rozsdamentes acél szerkezetre telepítettük, ami rögzíthető a padlóhoz.
N7/15 is equipped with a 3 piston electrically driven test pump able to perform hydraulic test up to 500 bar depending on the version
The “TOTEM-MTS” is specifically designed for extinguishing powder filling and emptying operations at fixed extinguishing systems.