Gauge for 25E (28,8×14”) thread checking at gas cylinder. Precise heavy duty metal gauge for gas cylinder periodical inspection
Gauge for 25E (28,8×14”) thread checking at gas cylinder. Precise heavy duty metal gauge for gas cylinder periodical inspection.
Ring Gauge for 25E (28,8×14”) thread checking gas cylinder valve. Precise heavy duty metal gauge for gas cylinder valve inspection
The torque wrench, DYNA 2350 model is a professional wrench for the most accurate control of valve tightening in 0-350 Nm range.
Manual vices, VIF series, are suitable for all portable extinguisher locking operations during their maintenance or refilling.
Gyűrős kaliber 17E (19,8×1/14”) gázpalack szelep kiskúpos menet vizsgálatához