If you have your own design, iplease contact us. Our technicians and designer draw it plant it priceing it, and we deliver it with in a short time. We deliver for the main gas factories. Linde, Air Liquide… we hope we could greet you among our partners
We design, to largest gas factories according to individual needs. Please tell me what you want. Look around our website. We design, to largest gas factories according to individual needs. Please tell us what you want exactly
A töltőgép alkalmas cseppfolyós széndioxid gázpalackból történő átfejtéshez töltéshez.
The 99/D3E unit allows liquid CO2 to be transferred from standard cylinders to internal and external cartridges and portable fire extinguishers
This model is composed by a dual inlet charge separator, an highly performant suction motor and a basement suitable for both transport and working positions.
The “TOTEM-MTS” is specifically designed for extinguishing powder filling and emptying operations at fixed extinguishing systems.