The Caddie-Bench consists of a stainless steel framework and a revolving vice allowing to rotate the extinguisher upside down and thoroughly shaking the dry powder.
The Caddie-Bench consist of a stainless steel framework and a revolving vice allowing to rotate the extinguisher upside
powder. The 4 polar positions (0°, 90°,180° and 270°) enable the extinguisher to be fully checked and serviced.The unit can be also equipped with a tool-box for easily transporting the necessary tools and spanners.The three-wheeled trolley special configuration allows the unit to be easily moved up and down the stairs. The lowest part of the trolley allows the extinguishers to be moved easily when the operations are carried out in different locations (e.g. mobile workshop).
The “TOTEM-MTS” is specifically designed for extinguishing powder filling and emptying operations at fixed extinguishing systems.
Unlike the other “TOTEM” series models, the “TOTEM-MATIC” ones are equipped with an integrated control scale allowing to stop the extinguisher refilling once the correct weight has been reached.
SKID AC/FG8 is a transportable unit including all the key instruments and accessories for powder and CO2 fire extinguisher maintenance and refilling operations on a single platform.
This model is composed by a dual inlet charge separator, an highly performant suction motor and a basement suitable for both transport and working positions.