IGFILL oltórendszerek inert gázpalackjainak újratöltése


IGFILL oltórendszerek inert gázpalackjainak újratöltése

17450,00 28100,00 

Max: 310 bar. Refilling cylinders for inert gas extinguishing systems. The series allows refilling cylinders of inert gas extinguishing systems


Max: 310 bar. Refilling cylinders for inert gas extinguishing systems. (Argon, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, IG55, IG100, IG511, IG01, IG541, INERGEN ®. The pressure part of the unit is made up of a high pressure unit.

IG-FILL 130 (MGXE010): Capacity: 13 Nm3 / h. 3-phase version: IG-FILL 130 (MGXE011)

IG-FILL 260 (MGXE020): Capacity: 26 Nm3 / h. 3-phase version: IG-FILL 260 (MGXE021)

Downloadable materials

Tömeg180 kg
Méretek100 × 75 × 115 cm

13 vagy 26 nm3/óra